I've gotten it stuck in my head that I really want to buy some more flat ankle boots for Fall. I've been searching and searching and can not find the perfect boot (short enough to make my legs look longer, but not too short where they are not considered boots, flat, and edgy in a tough way but not too masculine).
So the other night I am browsing through Piperlime and come across these two gems.
Alabama by REPORT - piperlime.com $140
Madhouse by STEVE MADDEN piperlime.com $150
I must have blacked out because the next thing I know I am waking up from a 3 hour nap with a confirmation in my inbox saying my purchase has gone through.
Haha I don't even remember putting in my credit card number! Not going to fight it. Just going to hope they look as awesome on as they do in the photo.
***My boots arrived! Both super cute, but really stiff.